Gold Partner
Awareness Expert
is a brand name of CCZ Business SARL
HomeOur expertise

Our expertise

Experts in cyber security awareness training

Awareness Expert is a specialist in information security awareness training and helps professionals in Switzerland to effectively train their teams in cyber security. Adaptability, customisation, IT expertise... Information security awareness training is a profession in its own right and Awareness Expert has made it a speciality.

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Why raise Awareness ?
Nearly 80% of security incidents occur as a result of user error.

Awareness Expert, reference trainer in information security awareness (ISS)

Alongside Swiss companies, from Geneva to the cantons of Fribourg, Vaud or Valais, Awareness Expert trains and gives the keys to the managers of organisations to raise their employees' awareness of information security. Since 2016, it has accompanied each management team in its project to improve the vigilance and behaviour of its users in the face of cyber threats. IT experts who have chosen to specialise in information security awareness training. About us

Protecting yourself with Information Security Awareness

The advent of the digital age has brought with it new malpractices and fraudulent uses. Every day, new threats emerge that put your business at risk of a cyber security attack. Ransomware, phishing, malware... Hackers exploit any security vulnerability within organisations and make the user a prime target. Relying on the error of vigilance of an unaware person, they try to break into your information system to get their hands on confidential and potentially crucial data.

Awareness Expert allows you to reduce the risk linked to the human factor by changing the behaviour of your users and improving their vigilance. Our IT security awareness training campaigns aim to teach them how to spot these threats in order to thwart them and ensure the security of your corporate information and create a cyber-secure climate within your company.

to support customised solutions

Our trainings courses

-Discover our Information Security Awareness (ISA) training courses


Our tools

Customisable tools for a tailor-made training experience


Phishing test

Assess the vulnerability of your users with phishing tests



Your turnkey Information Security Awareness campaign

« On average, the awareness campaigns that Awareness Expert has launched with its many clients have increased the awareness level of their employees by more than 25% per year »
Claude COQUOZ,
President of Awareness Expert

Your preferred partner for compliance with new regulations

Effective 1er September 2023, the new Data Protection Act (nLPD) will oblige Swiss companies to train and raise awareness of cybersecurity among their employees. By protecting you against the risk of cyber attacks, Awareness Expert will help you to ensure that your company is compliant with this legal obligation. Learn more
Managed Services

Exclusive campaign management and monitoring service

In your place or in support of your Chief Information Officer (CIO)[CC1] or your IT department, your Awareness Expert trainer can manage all or part of your information security awareness training campaign. Take the keys to your awareness campaign yourself or leave them to us, it's up to you! Learn more

Test, analyse and remediate employee vulnerability to protect your corporate data

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You can also receive our detailed brochure for any campaign request.

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